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By Rehema Abraham

 SLOW Food International has called members of the community in Africa and globally in general to use ‘Agro-Ecology’ system which is potential for the World’s Climate Change and capacity to feed Africa to improve food security in the continent.

The network has also appealed community members to produce and use foods with no toxic in our bodies, foods that respects on culture for sustainable good health.

Speaking with reporters recently soon after ending up Terra Madre gathering in Parco Dora, Turin in Italy from September 22-26, this year, the president of Slow Food Edward Mukiibi explained that, his networking organization is promoting good clean fair food as well as ‘agro-ecology’ system, a move that aims at solving the problem of food security that is claimed to be caused by the Global Climate Change.

“As you know, Africa cannot rely on global food chain, so the use of agro-ecology system is vital for sustainable food security,” he enlightened.

 He further explained that, Slow Food is also working with small holder famers to prevent the disappearance of local food cultures and traditions, counteract the rise of fast life and combat people’s dwindling interest in the food they eat, where it comes from and how our food choices affect the world around us.

“Slow Food is a global, grassroots organization, founded in 1989, and since its beginnings, the network has grown into a global movement involving millions of people in over 160 countries, working to ensure everyone has access to good, clean and fair food,” he explained..

According to him, Slow Food believes food is tied to many other aspects of life, including culture, politics, agriculture and the environment.

”Through our food choices we can collectively influence how food is cultivated, produced and distributed, and change the world as a result,”Mukibi explained.

Mukiibi further explained that, the proper use of land in the production of good, clean fair food is vital for sustainable food security due to the global climate change, and Slow Food is working with small holder farmers to curb as a network to solve the problem not an organization.

For her part, Valentina Meraviglia, the Slow food International (Global South Network) explained that, Terra Madre gathering demonstrated once again that with participants from 160 countries across the World, beyond the challenges we all have to face separately and individually, we are a network and we are all together, each of us contributing to build a more sustainable food system.

“The event reinforced our mutual bonds of solidarity and trust, strengthening the determination with which we pursue our common objective of securing everyone the access to a good, clean and fair food,” she explained adding that,

 As our President Edward Mukiibi remarked:  “The solutions to the multiple crises we face already exist. We have seen, heard and exchanged them over the last few days with the hundreds of farmers, cooks, food producers, activists and experts who came together in Turin”

According to her, returning to our daily life we should remember that we are a force if we act collectively, and that change is possible if we think of ourselves as a network of communities, which grows through exchange, communication and enjoyment, as well as patience and mutual understanding of one another.

“This is in particular the role of communities’ spokespeople, who have the responsibility to grow the Community: not only in numbers, but especially in quality, by sharing information, content and never cease training and self-training as a group on what are the challenges of our planet and the solutions that, as a movement, we are trying to provide,” she further insisted.

                        President of Slow Food International Edward Mukibi

                    The members of Slow Food International from Tanzania

Right Valentine meraviglia ,Slow Food International (Global South Network) during preparation of Terra Madre.

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